Fearless Dreaming ~ 20 Apr 2021

Coincident with the first drone flight on Mars by the Ingenuity helicopter, Mars and Psyche in Gemini conjoin opposite the Galactic Center’s position in Sagittarius. To sweeten the concoction, they trine Jupiter in Aquarius. Over the next several days, this pattern riffs poetic all things of cosmic and galactic origin.




The glyph of Gemini is curious to ponder. There are two satellite dish arcs, one at the top and one at the bottom. One arc to receive all the information that hovers above. The other arc hugs the curvature of Earth and receives the messages that lurk beneath the world’s surface and hold the deep mysteries of this planet. In between, two columns separate the “dishes.” One column provides the cable through which uplink from the world to the cosmos occurs; the other provides the downlink of that which shines above and renders it to the world for use by the planet and all who inhabit her.


Now, Mars and Psyche join forces in Gemini directly in opposition to the cosmic information contained in the core of our galaxy. The unlimited and automatic flow of information is progressive with a clear intention for evolution. The information seeks to import cosmic authority from the Galactic Center to humanity in the form of useful, real world guiding insights, amplified by the trine to Jupiter in Aquarius.


Of course, there’s that thing with the Galactic Center that information consciously perceived from the black hole that is the core of our galaxy is hard to process at the time it arrives. The guiding information often inspires resistance, defensiveness and very commonly, selective attention and application. Fine, write down all the information and save it for review, say next week.


Could there be an easier means of absorbing the galactic information? How about accessing information you intend to energize and activate in a quiescent, non fretful state? How about putting an intention out to the Universe before closing your eyes for sleep that all cosmic insights are welcome to enter your dreams and put on a stage play that makes sense for use in the mundane realm?


Or it could be simpler? What if a time (or two) is taken every day to sit still or lie down, wipe away the thoughts and worries of the world and commit to taking in whatever insights might come your way. Two things: Recently we realized the real world worth of psyche’s composition; the upper satellite dish in the glyph of Gemini receives cosmic insights whether you realize it or not. The ideas that drop into your cranium possess value, direction and opportunity.


Dare you dream? Dare you not? Dare you download cosmic whispers? Of course, that’s where many powerful insights originate. Those who activate the cosmic renderings find ways to apply the insights in a practical manner and in ways that create relevance for virtually every person in their sphere of influence and perhaps well beyond. Bottom line, this could be beneficial in a remunerative manner... not that such a thought was in the original intention.


So, take on your dreams and visions. Receive, download, then execute. Symbolically, it’s like you’re lifting off for flight on the first world other than our own. Within that, as the name of the drone/helicopter on Mars implies, Ingenuity observes everything and reports it back to your consciousness command center where those observing the data hatch solid cosmic plans.


In other astronomically impactful news, for those in the vicinity of the Pacific, the Sun recently had a bit of an outburst that flooded the region in a signal that solar activity cycle is on the rise. The intense x-rays and ultraviolet energy caused a temporary radio black out. So, if you’re in that area (or possibly anywhere on Earth) and for the past day or so you’ve been feeling ramped up, but as if you’ve been yelling into an empty coffee can, there’s a reason.


Use the next five to seven days to access the insights from above. Go for fearless dreaming. There is ample astrological support. Then, midweek next week, you’ll be like one of those cartoon characters who rapidly runs in place with the need to skedaddle, then suddenly gains traction on road of life. Off to the horizon it is, in a cloud of dust.


More soon.